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Airton/Malham, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Welcome to the official blog for the upcoming film by Limited Edition Production Not A Chance The hotly anticipated movie is expected for a mid January release and as soon as we know when the release date is we will let you know! This blog will keep you up to date on the daily happenings here at Not a Chance HQ! http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCallumM This is my youtube channel which contains most of my videos

Tuesday 8 December 2009


Created in 1985
Working title
Lower class setting in thatcher london with skin heads and pakistani characters.

MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE is set in London during the Thatcher years and is the story of Omar (Gordon Warnecke), a young Asian man who takes over his uncle's laundrette. He is helped by his white boyfriend Johnny (Daniel Day-Lewis), who in turn is harranged by his neo-nazi friends who are out to taunt him for his association with Omar.

Daniel day-lewis is a potential selling point as he is a new up coming actor, also in the plot they are looking into a subject not really looked upon before which is the asian and homosexual background. they were very important subjects at the time and to see them in cinima would of caused a stir.
Awards and nominations
Academy Awards, USA
1987NominatedOscarBest Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
Hanif Kureishi

BAFTA Awards
1986NominatedBAFTA Film AwardBest Actor in a Supporting Role
Saeed Jaffrey

Best Screenplay - Original
Hanif Kureishi

Evening Standard British Film Awards
1986WonEvening Standard British Film AwardBest Film
Stephen Frears

Independent Spirit Awards
1987NominatedSpecial Distinction Award
National Board of Review, USA
1986WonNBR AwardBest Supporting Actor
Daniel Day-Lewis
Also for A Room with a View (1985).
National Society of Film Critics Awards, USA
1987WonNSFC AwardBest Screenplay
Hanif Kureishi

New York Film Critics Circle Awards
1986WonNYFCC AwardBest Screenplay
Hanif Kureishi

Best Supporting Actor
Daniel Day-Lewis
Also for A Room with a View (1985).

Daniel day-lewis would of become very famous due to all the media attention and marketing during the release of MBL.
Stephen frears could of been a useful selling point due to him being a established director so people may recognize the name.

MBL is a typical WT production because it explore social problems and issues, works using a low budget and included lesser known ethnic minorities. They followed this trend with a few of thier films such as billy elliot (the miners riot and a boy doing traditional girls activitys) and wish you were here (focusing on girls lifestyles)
MBL made money in america because of on the day of release another film staring daniel day-lewis was released and the media loved how he could make 2 so different characters in a short space of time . it recieved rave reviews and became a hit.

(not finished_

Monday 30 November 2009

Merlin- mise en scene

During the first scene they are two knights which are fighting with a crowd and what looks like a man of importance. all of these characters fit the sterotypical "Medieval" era. The knights have metal armour. the important man which i believe is a king is wearing nice clothing and a crown while the crowd are all dressed as peasents with poor clothing. the only point i could bring up is that some of the clothing looks like it has a slight modern touch to the medieval clothes. Also the fact that they is a crowd watching a fight between people wearing different colours with different coats of arms on thier shields signifys that they this could be a fighting competion which was common during medieval times. When the boy is cleaning armour and clothes it fits a sterotypical fantasy setting for a child audiance with a cloth cleaning a helmet thats suspended in mid air. When the characters are in the what looks like a castle hall it fits the background. the castle itself fits the background aswell as what people are wearing. the only point i could bring up about this is that the female ward could easyily pass of what shes wearing as a dress in any time era from medieval times to now. but this isnt easy to pick up on and may well just be my opinion. Round the castle different small points fit the scene from servants running around to guards guarding doors aswell.


At the Beginning of the clip they are two knights fighting. short takes are used and edited in to create fast action. A jumped cut is used to skip to later on in the day to save on time. they is a scene where the main character is washing some clothes and cleaning some armour, editing is use to make it look like magic is being used. A panning shot is used in conjuction with this editing to slowly reveal what is happening. During this scene it was daylight so through with the use of ellipitcal editing its now nighttime and a the current scene is in a hall. short takes but also quick takes are used to show different characters in the room, while this is happening sound dialoge is used over the top as two characters talk. they then is 180 degree and shot reverse shot used during a conversation between two of the characters in the show. this is then used when the woman speaks to another character but this time its less used. this may signify that this character is less important. Later on near the end of the clip during another fight more ellipical editing is use to speed up the sequence and make it more dramatical. this also connotes that the fighting is chaotic and dangerous. In a few parts of the clip edited sound is used. During scenes where the characters are doing actions for instance during sword fights and when the boy is cleaning. the sounds are edited to stand out . this signifys to us that they important. As well as when the boy discovers the snake on the shield and it makes a loud hissing noise. this perfered reading makes us think that, the snake is a big part of the story. Also during the last fight the quick shots zooms onto different characters faces aswell as the crowd to show everyones reaction to whats going on. Lastly editing has been used to create a CGI castle in a few of the scenes.

Friday 27 November 2009

Callum Moreman Gender Merlin



In the TV drama Merlin, Gender and sound relates very much into the time period I think the program is set in. As the show features magic and knights it signifies that the show is a fantasy medieval drama. The male’s characters in the program are all portrayed as Knights and warriors as well as a king. They are no female characters in this role, which signifies a male dominated society, This is very stereotypical. They Is a character which I believe is the shows protoganizer who preferred reading makes him our to be a servant. He is told to clean one of the knights amour and clothes which he does, stereotypically cleaning is shown as a female role. The servant “Merlin” cheats by using magic to clean which can be related to males as males quite often try to cheat with work to avoid effect. The female character is a ward and lots of effort has been used to make her look attractive. She is shown as flirty and elegant which leads to some males becoming jealous over her. She was also shown as a prize. The sounds used in the clip fits in males roles. During the part where two knights were fighting , loud harsh notes are being placed on strings to emphasize the violence. The sound while the servant was quite cheerful and lighthearted as he was skipping his work by cheating. The sounds while the ward was talking to the knights was very elegant and quiet to fit in with the way the directors portrayed the female. 

Sunday 22 November 2009

Warp Films homework

  1. How are Warp X and Warp Films different?
    Warp X is a separate company from Warp Films, It produces lower budget movies and co produces with warp films. Warp Films do bigger budget movies then there counterpart Warp X.
  2. In which year was each set up?
    Warp Films : 1999.
    Warp X :2001.

  3. List the films (including shorts) that each have produced, including box office and budget figures?
    Warp Films:

Le Donk & Scor-zay-zee (2009)

The Taxidermist (2009) .

Four Lions (2009)

Arctic Monkeys at the Apollo (2008)

Crack Willow (2008)

"Fur TV" (2008)

The Archivist (2008)

Exhibit A (2007)

Dog Altogether (2007)

Grow Your Own (2007)

Dog's Mercury (2006)

This Is England (2006)

Scummy Man (2006)

Rubber Johnny (2005)

Dead Man's Shoes (2004)

My Wrongs 8245-8249 and 117 (2002)

Warp X:

Bunny and the Bull (2009)

She, a Chinese (2009)

All Tomorrow's Parties (2009)

Hush (2009)

Donkey Punch (2008)

A Complete History of My Sexual Failures (2008)

  • Give precise details of the financial backing that Warp X receives, including one example of the production credits on a Warp X film?
    Warp x is funded by the uk film council, new cinima fund and film 4 as well as screen yorkshire and optimum releasing. They usually have between 400,000 and 800,000 pounds

  • What does the UKFC have to say about Warp X?
    The UKFC is the uk film council. they work with low budget moives. Warp X was chosen and some objectives are to develop a wide range of filmmaking talents, focus on cultural aspects of UK in film and Create many routes in British filmmaking
  • What can you say about the production, especially the budget, of Donkey Punch?
    They didnt spend much of the actors as they werent very famous ones, the boat was the biggest cost in the budget. and the location in the film is all set on the boat apart from right at the start of the film.

  • Look at, and note, the box office figures for This is England. Looking carefully at the US figures, what does this suggest about how the US audience/market perceived the film?

    The us film audiance are quite intrested in british culture so the reason this film was pretty successful in america is because it introduced americans to a unseen side of british culture.
  • Is there a Warp X website? If so, give details of what it features?
    http://www.warpx.co.uk/ contains information about films with a few bits of multimedias. they is a about me section and job listings.

  • Is there a Warp Films website? If so, give details of what it features?
    http://warp.net/films A lot bigger then the warp x website, contains trailers and alot more information..

  • Based on this, and your viewing of This is England, make a list of any points which suggest that Warp is a typical British film production company?
    Warp is a traditional company as it dosnt use big name actors, dosnt use
    global settings and huge special effects. and focuses on british cultures and settings

If Richard Curtis and Hugh Grant are arguably the most important creative figures for WT (although WT have also repreatedly worked with several other actors/directors), who would the equivalent director/actor(s) for Warp be?
Shane Meadows would be one as he has worked on Warp's biggest titles

Paddy Considene?

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Ali G indahouse

Sacha Baron Cohen's Ali G indahouse was produced by working title, which is a british film company. The Plot summary is, Ali G unwittingly becomes a pawn in the evil chancellors plot to overthrow the prime minister of great britian. However, instead of bringing the prime minister down, Ali is embraced by the nation as the voice of youth and "realness", making the prime minister and his goverment more popular then ever.

In which ways is this a british movie? and ways it not?

Ali G is a british comedy movie as its set in british and it also shows a lot of stereotypes of england. But in a slight twist on the stereotypes. For instance Ali G wants to be a ganster but fails too if our eyes. In the eyes of the characters he is to some extent. And he then runs for PM and wins. so the story focuces on many british things but in a comedic way it has a twist of these british ideas. 

Working Title

Which Genres do working title appear to specialise in?

Working titles main genre focuses tend to be on  
Comedy films - for instance Hot Fuzz
Rom coms - such as 40 days and 40 nights
and thrillers - such The Dark Knight

Are they any particular writers, actors, directors tat working title are closely associated with?

Actors - Nick stone and simon peg are well known actors that have worked with working title, as well as Hugh grant.
Directors - Paul Greengrass is a known working title director.

Given both of these points, can you speculate on the range of audiences they target?

I think that working title mainly focus on a young adult to old age target audience because most of the films are have themes of relationships and normal life which dosen't suit a younger audience. Some films though mainly comadys have a target audience from teenagers to adult.

Look at multimedia content on their site: detail how they use multimedia to attract audiences.

They use multimedia's on the website as a way of showcasing the company's work this is in the form of trailers and photos from the set and films. they also use mini flash videos to advertises films as well.

How many films have WT produced to date?

120 films have been produced 

What/ When was their first production? 

My beautiful laundrette was the first and this was produced in 1985

How many films are currently in production?

22 are currently in production.

What is the history of the company
Who formed the company?

Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyfee in 1982

What relationship does it have with universal?

Working title has been a part of universal since 1999, when the parties signed an agreement due to expire at the end of 2007. despite alleged offers from dreamworks and sony, working title has signed a agreement with universal to continue the deal for 7 more years.

Can we consider WT as an indie company?

Personally i believe that WT is not a indie company, i think this because WT is a congolerate, and is also part of a much bigger international company (universal). and WT get funds from a universal as well as support. therefore i dont believe its a indie company.

An example of a WT movie that is a US and UK film would be The Dark Knight 

Personally i have seen 15 Working title movies

Sunday 8 November 2009

House of Saddam

Mise en scene
During the five minute clip they is appropraite mise en scene, The costumes fit the setting of Iraq so ordinary people are wearing long "dresses"? and usually head scarves. And when they is scenes of saddam before hes on the run and hes in charge of the country he is wearing a smart military uniform. The setting of a war torn iraq is present in the program, burned out buildings, ruined cars and US military roaming around. as well as military progaganda.

The sound in the 5 minute clip is a mixture of non digetic and digetic sound. Quite often you will hear sounds relating the war for example the sound of helicopters flying over head or a explosion in the background. Sometimes you will hear digetic sounds for instance a radio with propaganda coming out of it. also you may hear non digetic sounds (a piece of music) being played. In some instance alot of speech is amplified to make it louder so it goes over other noises so you can understand what is being said.

They is little editing in the 5 minute clip, on a few occasions sound will progress into the next clip, Also in a few parts it looks like clips from new storys or other medias may of be placed between clips and then had added sound to make the whole backdrop more relistic to the setting.

Camera Shots
They is a variety of camera shots used in saddam, most of the normal shots are used , long shot, mid shot and close ups.

Monday 19 October 2009

Drink, a expirmental short film

For the next part of the course we had learned about Recurring character types and narrative formula (equilibrium, dis-equilibrium, new equilibrium) 

This is the short movie i put together for me to show my knowledge of what we had learned. 
I thought up a short about who needed a drink but the machine was out of order, it would be easy and quick to film, realistic and easy to film while i am at school.
The Villian = The Out of order machine
The Donor= is the friend who lends the main character the pound coin
The Helper= is the friend who gives the main character the water bottle
I created a princess who would just be the main characters girlfriend but i cut her from the film as it wouldnt make any sense in the story
The dispatcher= is the main character as well as the main character being the villian
The hero is the main character.
At the state of the equilibrium the hero wants a drink and borrows some money (the money is one of the props/ magical object). The disruption of the equilibruim is when the hero founds out the coffee machine is out of order. The recognition that there has been a disruption is when the hero speaks to the helper, the last point is also the attempt to repair the disruption and lastly the reinstatement of the equilibrium is when he eventually gets a drink (with the water bottle also being a prop/ magical object).

Monday 12 October 2009

Dave's big moment

Dave was called to the stage followed by a very "lively" cheer from all the IGS lot.

His big day.

Media Trip

Act Now 16+

During the media trip one of the highlights was me doing a acting workshop with a successful
We had an hour long course and i went into it with a slightly scared face as i had never really though i could act well. turns out it was great fun and according to the teacher i was very good at acting which is a good thing.
It help boost my confidence and also was a good way for me have a slight insight into acting on tv and movie's as we were focusing on that.
Lastly we met a few friendly poeple for a other school who were also doing the course who we got to answer some questions for us.
Name: Ryan Lee
School: Culcheth College
Age: 16
Why you did the workshop: Because it sounded intresting and something different and because i had never really tryed acting before and it sounded fun.
Did you enjoy it and if yes What you enjoyed about it: Yeah, i really enjoyed all the warm up get to know each other games as they were fun.

The Scum

The Sun

1. The sun’s is currently following the political party “the conservatives” which is a “right wing party?”
2. The sun historically supporting the conservatives during the time when they were a powerful party and when they were in charge but they started to follow and support the labour party, recently as the labour party has started going downhill they have moved their support back onto the Tories.
3. The sun has a very negative input on the youths of Britain and the sun says more bad things then good things about them.
4. The sun also has a negative view on the royal family but i can’t find much proof to back this claim.
5. The sun supports the Iraq war as seen in article’s glorifying the war and showing how good the war is even though it isn’t

Monday 5 October 2009


After learning about different camera angles and shot, we went out and thought about a short we could make. We took pictures of different angles that we could link together through the use of transitions and writing.
My groups story is about a boy who is often bullied and one day he is cornered in some toilets and beaten up when he was least expecting it.

Skin's title sequence

The title sequence opens with a long shot of moving clouds, they are moving quickly which could symbolize time passing quickly as a teenager. throughout the title scene different shots change quickly so you barely get a glimpse of a shot before it moves onto the next one. All the different themes of skins are shown during the title sequence as well as all the different characters are shown.
A close up shot of a pint of beer with bubbles rising to the surface could signify childish behavour or just generally having fun. then thiers a extreme close up of someone rolling a spliff which may be because one of the main features shown in skins is drugs so it could be repesenting this theme. All the different relationships in skins and then shown throughout the title sequence from couples to best friends to broken up friendships. all this could of be used to give you a quick glimpse into the story.
The sound used in the opening starts off quiet while the shots are slow and while the sound progressely quickens so do the shots and transitions.
The end of the title sequence changes depending on which character the episode is going to focus on for instance for sid's episode at the end it zooms into him putting on his hat which is a signature item for him. 

Friday 2 October 2009
