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Airton/Malham, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Welcome to the official blog for the upcoming film by Limited Edition Production Not A Chance The hotly anticipated movie is expected for a mid January release and as soon as we know when the release date is we will let you know! This blog will keep you up to date on the daily happenings here at Not a Chance HQ! http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCallumM This is my youtube channel which contains most of my videos

Sunday 8 November 2009

House of Saddam

Mise en scene
During the five minute clip they is appropraite mise en scene, The costumes fit the setting of Iraq so ordinary people are wearing long "dresses"? and usually head scarves. And when they is scenes of saddam before hes on the run and hes in charge of the country he is wearing a smart military uniform. The setting of a war torn iraq is present in the program, burned out buildings, ruined cars and US military roaming around. as well as military progaganda.

The sound in the 5 minute clip is a mixture of non digetic and digetic sound. Quite often you will hear sounds relating the war for example the sound of helicopters flying over head or a explosion in the background. Sometimes you will hear digetic sounds for instance a radio with propaganda coming out of it. also you may hear non digetic sounds (a piece of music) being played. In some instance alot of speech is amplified to make it louder so it goes over other noises so you can understand what is being said.

They is little editing in the 5 minute clip, on a few occasions sound will progress into the next clip, Also in a few parts it looks like clips from new storys or other medias may of be placed between clips and then had added sound to make the whole backdrop more relistic to the setting.

Camera Shots
They is a variety of camera shots used in saddam, most of the normal shots are used , long shot, mid shot and close ups.

1 comment:

  1. always good to see work appearing on the blog! some nice points here, though try to get into the habit of using 'connotes'/'signifies' etc at every opportunity - and watch your spelling (diegetic)!
    i'm confident you can add much more detail to this, especially on camera shots!!! (not forgetting representation...)

