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Airton/Malham, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Welcome to the official blog for the upcoming film by Limited Edition Production Not A Chance The hotly anticipated movie is expected for a mid January release and as soon as we know when the release date is we will let you know! This blog will keep you up to date on the daily happenings here at Not a Chance HQ! http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCallumM This is my youtube channel which contains most of my videos

Monday 30 November 2009


At the Beginning of the clip they are two knights fighting. short takes are used and edited in to create fast action. A jumped cut is used to skip to later on in the day to save on time. they is a scene where the main character is washing some clothes and cleaning some armour, editing is use to make it look like magic is being used. A panning shot is used in conjuction with this editing to slowly reveal what is happening. During this scene it was daylight so through with the use of ellipitcal editing its now nighttime and a the current scene is in a hall. short takes but also quick takes are used to show different characters in the room, while this is happening sound dialoge is used over the top as two characters talk. they then is 180 degree and shot reverse shot used during a conversation between two of the characters in the show. this is then used when the woman speaks to another character but this time its less used. this may signify that this character is less important. Later on near the end of the clip during another fight more ellipical editing is use to speed up the sequence and make it more dramatical. this also connotes that the fighting is chaotic and dangerous. In a few parts of the clip edited sound is used. During scenes where the characters are doing actions for instance during sword fights and when the boy is cleaning. the sounds are edited to stand out . this signifys to us that they important. As well as when the boy discovers the snake on the shield and it makes a loud hissing noise. this perfered reading makes us think that, the snake is a big part of the story. Also during the last fight the quick shots zooms onto different characters faces aswell as the crowd to show everyones reaction to whats going on. Lastly editing has been used to create a CGI castle in a few of the scenes.

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